There are several reasons why you need Easy Speech2Text. First, the process of converting the mp3 to text is very slow. It can take a lot of your time. It even gets worse if you have a long speech which needs quick conversion to text. The process works automatically. The software has a high level of accuracy which is unlike using the manual process to convert the speech into text. You will save money and resources when you decide to use the software as it works free of charge. You can easily improve productivity if you can decide to use the Easy Speech2Text software.


EasySpeech2Text Overview

The software is powerful in converting speech to text. It works very fast. If you are looking for a way you can save time when converting audio to text, it is the right software to try as it works automatically in converting any text to audio within the shortest time. It even works in reverse if you would like to convert the text to speech.


Benefits of EasySpeech2Text


The speech to text software works very well in converting speech to text. It is powerful software which was developed to make your work easy. It is easy to use but simple software which anybody can utilize to realize the best performance. It simplifies the process of converting a speech to text.


Secure software

The software employs the latest technology to handle your important speech with care. It utilizes the STT/TTS technology to make it very safe. It supports more than 100 languages due to its utilization of Google translation technology. It is easy to use software which employs the latest technology to assure you of the best performance. Fast speech to text conversion There are times when you would like to convert the speech to text very fast. You do not have to worry about how you can get the process started. The software is designed in such a way it makes it very easy to convert any length of speech into text.


How to use EasySpeech2Text

The software can convert speech to text or convert your text to MP3. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Speech to the text conversion process

1. Add the Mp3/Flac File

You will start by opening the software and add the MP3 file which covers your speech. The interface is easy to use, once you open it, you will easily figure out how you can add the speech so that you can start the conversion process. It is a reliable process you can utilize to realize the best in your speech to text conversion.


2. Click on Convert

After you have added your MP3 or Flac file, you will just click on convert and the software will work automatically in converting your speech into text. The conversion runs automatically to display the results in the form of text.


Text to the speech conversion process

You can as well apply the software to convert text to speech. Here is the process you end to follow:

1. Switch the Interface

To do the reverse, you need to switch the interface. After you switch the interface, you then need to click on the texttomp3 button. It will automatically convert your text to speech.


2. Copy and Paste the Text

To covert the text, you already have into speech, you need to copy and paste it into the interface provided. The link works automatically in making it easy for you to convert the text into speech.


3. Click on Play

After you have pasted the text, you need to check on the play. The process will start automatically to convert your text into audio. It is a simple process you can easily execute.


Benefits from this program

There are several benefits you enjoy out of the program. First, it is the best way to save you time. The program has been designed in such a way it works automatically in converting the text into speech. You will not need a lot of people.

The fact that the software is available free; it is a great way to save you money. You can easily save a lot of money if you can decide to go for the software instead of carrying out the conversion manually. The simple design of the software makes it very easy to use.


How to use SpeechTexter to dictate and edit text

The app works both online and off-line. To dictate and edit text, you need to open the interface then select languages and input under the settings section. You will then proceed to choose keyboards and input method. The input method should be specified as a virtual keyboard. After you have selected the right settings, you will then have to use Google voice typing and select offline speech recognition. You can select the language you would like to download and the speech you will dictate will be written and displayed in your given language. The texts which will be generated can be used in tweets, text messages among other forms of text communications.


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