Creating a solid website and landing page requires a lot of time and money. And yet, despite the best effort of most website owners, only 4% of site visitors will actually convert. There could be a number of factors at play here. There are, however, a number of measures you can take to reduce your site’s bounce rate. A video landing page is one strategy for accomplishing this. This way, you can easily increase conversions and sales on your website. That said, for this method to be effective, you must implement it correctly. This is why today we’ll be talking about how to create a video landing page to boost conversions.


What a Video Landing Page Is

Before we start talking about how to create a video landing page, we first need to establish what it is. A video landing page is a website page with integrated video. It’s a stationary web page designed to inform, attract, and captivate the business’s ideal clients, all while prompting them to take steps that will hopefully result in sales. In the last few years, it has become a popular website design element for many successful businesses. That being said, not all businesses are well-suited for video landing pages. However, if you have an idea of how you may use it on your own website, we suggest you give it a shot.


The Benefits of Using Video Landing Pages

These days there is no better way to get your audience to take action than with video. Not only that, but a video landing page can help you increase conversion rates and the confidence that your customers have in your product or service. The reason why video is so effective at doing this is that it both shows and tells. According to CRM experts at, using video on landing pages can enhance conversions by over 130%.


1. Know Exactly What Your Goals Are

Think carefully about the purpose of your landing page before you start making a video for it. The layout and the information you are going to provide in the video are going to be influenced by your goals. Assess the results of your offer and campaign as they pertain to your target audience. In essence, if the goal of your marketing is sales, your landing page goal should help a visitor move forward in the sales cycle. On the other hand, if the purpose of your digital marketing strategy is to generate leads, the video landing page should be designed to help someone reach you directly.


2. Choosy a Suitable Video

It’s simple to decide what kinds of video you should use on your landing page after you’ve defined the objectives of your landing page. Now, the video on your landing page needs to provide some sort of benefit to your visitors. The most effective videos for landing pages are those that educate the viewer. Website homepage video examples include:
Demo videos:
The point of these videos is to demonstrate worth. In this video, you should describe how your product will benefit the customer
Explainer videos:
The purpose of an explainer video is to present a product or service as a potential answer to a problem
Customer Testimonials:

The end goal of this type of video is to boost people’s confidence in your product. It’s possible that you’ll need to use some social proof to sway your clients anyways, so why not use customer testimonials?


3. Make the Video Concise

Most people nowadays have very short attention spans. That’s why you need to make sure that the video you are using on your landing page is not just engaging and informative but to the point as well. There are no hard and fast rules about this, but it’s best to keep the video brief so it can both grab the visitor’s attention and give them time to read the supplementary materials before moving on. Try various approaches and see what works best for you and your product/service. An explanation or product video only needs 60 seconds, but a customer testimonial video might need 90 to 120 seconds.


4. You Need to Optimize Your Video Landing Page for SEO

Using video on your landing page can help your SEO, believe it or not. Furthermore, optimizing your video for SEO is not dissimilar to optimizing images. Keep in mind the following SEO recommendations for video:
Use video captions to convey context about the content of your video to search engines
Include metatags in your videos so that search engine crawlers may index contextual information about the player
XML Sitemaps:
Use XML sitemaps to help search engines identify and index video content
You should also optimize other on-page features, such as keywords, titles, and descriptions, to make sure more people can see your video.


5. Chose the Right Position for Your Video

The positioning of the video on the page is another consideration that will increase the effectiveness of your video landing page. Visitors may miss the video if it’s buried too deep in the page or if it’s overpowered by too much text. Website design components that might divert a visitor’s attention away from the video should be removed if you want them to see your video right away. Furthermore, the amount of text in the website’s margins and elsewhere should be kept to a minimum. Additionally, make sure the video plays without requiring users to navigate up or down the page. If the video is embedded below the fold, it should be placed after relevant supplementary text or material.


6. Don’t Forget to Use a Call to Action

We can’t talk about how to create a video landing page to boost conversions without mentioning the call to action. Videos’ calls to action (CTAs) should align with the landing page’s objectives. You also need to place them so customers can easily find and respond to them even if they don’t see the CTA elsewhere on the page. If you are able to do this, you will no doubt be able to boost conversion on your website.


By Editor

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