Up until this time, you might have heard many people saying that choosing any one option from the pile of many is a tough decision. Especially, when all the choices appear to yield impressive results down the line. But have you ever experienced, picking one from just two options is also no easy feat? Don’t trust our words? Then, please try comparing a progressive web application with a native mobile application right away. Which one do you think will deliver optimal results to a particular business?


The former or the latter? No idea? In that case, you must peruse this expert guidance prepared by a top PWA development company top PWA development company.

Yes! Because only when you read this content, you will be able to know in which cases it is a smart decision to go with a PWA and in which cases it is a wise decision to be better off with a native app. Not just that! You will also learn what are the pros of relying on native mobile app development and what are the benefits of counting on progressive web app development. On top of everything, you will get a good sense of the criteria on which you can compare both choices, see how one stacks up against the other, and choose an undisputed winner among them. So, are you ready to go through a detailed analysis prepared by the best android app development company android app development company on PWAs vs Native Apps? If so, let’s start the discussion right away:

What Are Some Statistics You Must Catch Sight of, As Per a Custom PWA Development Company?

  1. A standard website using the PWA concept can boost its loading speed by 63% when compared to its earlier site as far as average figures are concerned.
  2. It takes something around 2.75 seconds for a PWA site to load as far as average performance goes.
  3. Web pages load 2 to 4x faster if they use the PWA concept.
  4. When a website named George.com adopted the best PWA practices, it noticed a 3.8x increase in its loading speed after some time.
  5. Another website named Housing.com has lowered its loading time to a big extent, reducing it from 6 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

So, if you like the pros of PWA in terms of loading speed optimization, we would suggest having a conversation with the service reps of an ace PWA development company to build your branded progressive web app now.

What is the Main Difference Between a PWA and a Native App, According to a PWA Development Company?

A native app is a standard mobile app that is built specifically for respective operating systems and the underlying hardware of different handheld gadgets. Once these apps are developed, they are distributed through multiple marketplaces, such as:

  • Apple App Store
  • Google Play Store
  • Amazon App Store

These are mobile programs that users actually install on their Android or iOS-powered mobile phones.

Coming to PWA, the progressive web app is an advanced variant of general websites that are developed to work just like a native app. The biggest benefit of a PWA as per a custom PWA development company is that it can operate through most browsers and can be installed on users’ phones equipped with the latest OS version. Unlike a native app, a PWA can be accessed through any phone, irrespective of the operating system it is using. All a user needs to visit a progressive web app is a robust internet connection and a web browser on their smartphone.

Progressive Web App vs Native App in 2023 – Which one to go for?

Parameter  Native App PWA
Budget  High  Limited
Functionality  Complicated functionality with access to mobile phones’ features  Native-like experience with just basic features 
Average timeframe More than 5 months 2 to 3 months
Objectives  Builds trust and credibility 

Delivers a more advanced user experience with complex functionality and strong security

Massive audience reach and increased brand awareness

Quick launch to the market with minimal time and money investment

Industry Social media, healthcare, fintech and banking Entertainment, hospitality, beauty, food and catering 
Monetization Easy to monetize  Tough to monetize 


Before going any further, we must tell you that your future decision will be heavily dependent on the organizational goals you want to accomplish through your mobile presence. And in this section, we are going to discuss the criteria on which you can compare the potential of a web app and a native app and see which one is more appropriate to help you reach the destination in the digital world you want to. Once you get a good idea of what to expect from each development type, you will be able to take a confident plunge.

Now, let’s see the criteria you need to pay attention to:

1. Budget

When planning to make a mobile app or web app, it is necessary to take two important things into consideration, i.e.,

  • Budget allocation
  • Expense estimation

And you will get the perfect figures for these things only when you shoot a few imperative questions at yourself, like:

Do you have enough financial resources to invest in each development stage?
How complex do you think the functionality of your mobile program will be?
Do you need to have additional professionals for your smartphone software development project?
Have you factored in the possible support you may need post the release of your app?

A great android app development company suggests finding the response to all these riddles when mulling over the cost part.

2. Functionality

Here, you need to brood over the number of features your prospective smartphone program would have. For example, you need to pay special heed to the functionalities that contribute to an excellent user experience. Do you think your app should have cutting-edge functionalities or even the simple ones will also be enough?

Please remember, the addition and removal of different features can make a significant difference in your app development cost, as per the POV of the topmost custom PWA development company.

3. Marketing strategy

Again you need to sift through certain questions, for instance:

Are you willing to earn through your app?
What platforms will you use to promote your app?
What is the easiest way for your users to reach your virtual product?

Post you have found the answer to all these queries, you should analyze your industry, competition, and target audience very well so that you do not perform poorly while executing your marketing strategy.

4. Development timeframe

Can you wait for half a year for the development and submission of your native app to different platforms? Or do you want your digital product to be ready as early as possible? The expert of a well-known android app development company recommends making this decision depending on the urgency of attaining your organizational goals.

5. Business objective

Lastly, we would advise you to set clear expectations for your upcoming app. A case in point here is that you need to define specific measurable results that you plan to accomplish after publishing your smartphone software. Prioritize whatever you like among:

Upsurging brand awareness
Retaining existing consumers
Reaching new prospects, or
Something else

The bottom line

Go with PWA development if you want your app to have only simple functionalities but without humongous cash and time investments. Or be better off with native app development if you are highly concerned about building credibility through advanced functionalities, tighter security, and easy access to device features.

Thinking of going with the former suggestion? Then team up with a top-notch custom PWA development company straight away.

By Editor

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