We cannot deny the fact that artificial intelligence is not welcomed by us with open arms. We have certain reservations regarding its applications, especially in the healthcare sector. Despite this fact, it is benefiting us in several ways in multiple fields of life. Its role is equally important in the medical industry as has literally revolutionized the whole system of traditional treatment and healthcare practices.

It is tirelessly playing its role in developing and improving patient care and healthcare facilities. Using artificial intelligence, healthcare providers and medical staff has seen a definite increase in their efficiency and productivity. Besides this, it is helping patients to get more accurate diagnoses and precise treatment for their maladies.

It is also right that artificial intelligence development in healthcare is not free from errors or risks. In some cases, AI system errors put patients at risk of injuries. Privacy of patient medical data is also at stake as in some circumstance’s patients’ data is used for AI research purposes.

Still using AI in healthcare is more beneficial than harmful. To understand the application of AI in healthcare let’s see some of the best applications of AI in the healthcare system and its benefits to this system.


What is Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare?

Medical professionals and hospital employees may be able to access data-driven clinical decision support (CDS) due to machine learning, which could lead to higher income possibilities. Deep learning is an area of AI that analyzes data and information in search of patterns, and it can be used by medical professionals to gain access to automated insights.

Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

High annual growth potential exists in an area where AI is driving sustained and intense expansion: healthcare. Mordor Intelligence predicts that by 2025, the worldwide healthcare market value for AI would amount to $23.85 billion. The sector’s CAGR is 39.8%, according to the statistics. (for the dedicated study period 2018-2026).

Different applications of AI in healthcare throw light on essential processes and roles that can benefit greatly from the use of AI. Let’s check them out!


1. Robot-assisted Surgery

Extreme caution, precision, and competence are essential while performing major surgery. Successful medical procedures performed by robots are increasing rapidly because of advances in artificial intelligence. The robot has a camera, mechanical arm, and equipment for surgery. They can be modified to access any part of the body and provide an enhanced picture of the area of surgery that is impossible with the naked eye. These operations aid in a quicker and less painful recovery for the patient.


2. Identifying Pandemics

Covid-19 has highlighted the need for stronger pandemic early warning systems. For instance, Bluedot is a mobile app that accurately forecasts that novel coronavirus infections will occur in 8 of the first 10 cities it studied. In order to accurately predict the onset of a pandemic, AI-based early warning systems can analyze data to determine the characteristics of a new virus, scour media sources, and evaluate threat vectors (such as weather, aircraft, and movement data, the capacity of healthcare facilities, etc.).


3. Virtual Nursing Assistants

Robotic healthcare aides powered by AI are on call around the clock. Virtual nursing assistants might save the healthcare industry $20 billion every year by connecting with patients and sending them to the most cost-effective and optimum care setting. By keeping tabs on patients and fielding their inquiries, they can provide timely, accurate care. Most modern virtual nursing assistant software makes it easy for patients and doctors to stay in regular communication.

Because of this, fewer people will need to be committed to the hospital or return after being discharged. Virtual assistants powered by AI help patients with everything from making doctor’s appointments and monitoring their health to symptom detection and diagnosis. A digital nurse aids you through each step of the process.

To prevent the progression of serious illnesses, an AI application may be deployed to improve patient engagement and fine-tune their capacity for self-management. Care Angel is the world’s first virtual nurse assistant, and it uses artificial intelligence and voice to do health checks.


4. Early Diagnosis

Artificial intelligence-powered systems now use patient data to evaluate both past and present medical conditions. Medical experts can improve their diagnostic accuracy by comparing patient records. Multiple healthcare app databases contain the results of millions of symptom and diagnosis computations. Even more crucially, it can foretell future health problems that a person may face.

For instance, Google has developed a program called Verily that may predict the onset of genetic disorders that are not communicable. Health professionals now have the resources necessary to accurately anticipate and respond to future dangers. Similarly, predictive analysis has elevated the quality of management in healthcare facilities.


5. AI Coupled the combination of AI and AR/VR

It could be revolutionary for telemedicine care in the current decade. It offers a wide range of potential uses, from enhancing existing healthcare services to teaching future doctors through interactive simulations.

Motor impairments from strokes can be lessened with the aid of augmented and virtual reality. The stimulation provided by a simulated environment can be more helpful than any form of physical therapy. Therapy plans can be improved with the help of information gleaned from such methods.


6. Getting Better CT Images

Growing patient loads, maintaining high picture quality, and maximizing efficiency remain persistent obstacles for radiology departments. Computed Tomography (CT) is a popular imaging modality, therefore AI-enabled technologies that improve CT operations and picture quality can benefit radiology departments greatly.

Getting a patient into examination posture is the first step. Patient mispositioning in CT is a typical issue that can lead to image noise or an increase in the patient’s radiation exposure. Faster, more precise, and more consistent patient positioning is now possible thanks to AI-enhanced camera technology that can automatically detect anatomical landmarks in a patient. CT picture quality can be improved and radiation dose decreased with the help of AI-enabled image reconstruction, which in turn boosts diagnostic certainty.


7. The Automation of Administrative Tasks

Artificial intelligence (AI) simplifies life. It does so by eliminating the need to do routine, tiresome chores. One-on-one phone calls, for instance, are commonplace when a customer is being instructed in the ropes. For this reason, the most practical uses of AI in the medical field involve carrying out duties associated with administration. Patients no longer have to send emails directly to reception in order to get the information they need; instead, they can use chat boxes with real-time assistance to interact with AI-driven software.

As an added bonus, automation provides much-needed relaxation for clinic employees, which not only boosts productivity, performance, and endorsement but also accelerates the pace of all procedures.



Employing AI in healthcare system is truly beneficial. It is playing its role very well by helping in taking crucial medical decisions, evaluating health risks or early diagnosis, AI offers the most dependable expertise in all.

By powering a new generation of tools and systems that make clinicians more aware of nuances, more efficient when delivering care, and more likely to get ahead of developing problems, AI will usher in a new era of clinical quality and exciting breakthroughs in patient care.


By Editor

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